Showing posts with label Pass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pass. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2018

Smart Monkey: An Animal Experiment FAIL Story

A team of research scientists had selected four groups of monkeys for a pharmaceutical

The animals in the first group were to receive a high dose of the drug being studied.

Those in the second group were to get a moderate dose.

The monkeys in the third group were scheduled to receive a low dose of the drug.

And those in the fourth group were to be injected with a placebo.

The day before the experiment was to begin, the monkeys in the high-dose group were
deprived of food while those in the other three groups were fed as usual.

On the morning of the experiment, tests revealed unexpected nutrients in the blood of the fasting
monkeys. The researchers were surprised. They decided to repeat the previous day’s procedure,
but this time they were going to observe the behaviour of the monkeys at night when the lights
were off.

The researchers made a touching discovery.

The monkeys who were being fed were passing their food to their hungry friends who were
being deprived of food. 

वो ज़माना कुछ और था

वो ज़माना और था.. कि जब पड़ोसियों के आधे बर्तन हमारे घर और हमारे बर्तन उनके घर मे होते थे। वो ज़माना और था .. कि जब पड़ोस के घर बेटी...